
Information Security Risk


Small Businesses - grossly or completely underprotected... 

There are currently 2,313,291 businesses registered in Australia with 97.7 % being small businesses employing 19 people or less.

Small and medium sized businesses are the most ‘At risk’ group of businesses as less than 30% of all businesses have any kind of information protection measures in place with the vast majority stating that their sole protection was the use of ‘anti-virus’ software.

Information security is a broader collection of protection measures above that of just Cyber or IT security.  Whilst today most information is stored within IT systems, only 30% of protection measures are IT related and the other 70% of protection measures relate to actions and activities not of an IT nature in order to protect information.

Whether your information security goals and objectives include obtaining ISO27001 certification to gain a competitive advantage over your closest competitors, or you just wish to create a few simple IT protection measures so you can sleep better at night - I am Secure enables you to implement a custom fit information solution that is perfect for your business.

Small Businesses that Store Information Electronically
Small Businesses with Adequate Protection

Loss of Information

1 in 10 Small Businesses are adversely affected by loss of information - either by accidental loss or theft.  With the cost of rectifying these losses rapidly increasing.

Why would I need to protect information?

  • A single catastrophic event can cost millions of dollars in lost business and litigation costs.
  • Cyber criminals who hack  your IT systems and lock your information - known as "ransoming" target Small Businesses.
  • Small business is disadvantaged as they do not have ready access to most of the tools and resources that big business employ to adequately protect information.
  • Information losses in small business have a high potential for catastrophic outcomes with many small business owners not protected by personal indemnity which could result in personal losses in addition to business losses.
  • Small businesses generally do not have awareness of their responsibility around storing of Personal information.
  • Small and micro businesses are at a disadvantage to protect electronic information to reduce significant risks associated with information loss through theft or destruction.


Want to know more about your obligations with regards to your client's Privacy?  

How can your business protect the information they provide?

Security Framework

   Want to discover how our Security Framework forms the basis of our ISMS?  

And how we can help you to protect your business?

Isn't Information Security just for Big Business?

As consumers of products and services from big business we are fortunate that the vast majority of these businesses do employ an expansive array of information security measures.  In doing so it has made it near impossible or has created great difficulty for Cyber thieves to target these businesses.

Which means that Small Business has become much more at risk!

Don't have vast resources to implement complex information security management systems?  This is where I am Secure can help protect your business for a fraction of the cost!


Want to hear the latest?  Or access more resources to protect your Small Business?


Take the I am Secure FREE risk assessment today!


Comprehensive ISMS - Partners in protecting Small Business