Small Businesses - grossly or completely underprotected...
There are currently 2,313,291 businesses registered in Australia with 97.7 % being small businesses employing 19 people or less.
Small and medium sized businesses are the most ‘At risk’ group of businesses as less than 30% of all businesses have any kind of information protection measures in place with the vast majority stating that their sole protection was the use of ‘anti-virus’ software.
Information security is a broader collection of protection measures above that of just Cyber or IT security. Whilst today most information is stored within IT systems, only 30% of protection measures are IT related and the other 70% of protection measures relate to actions and activities not of an IT nature in order to protect information.
Whether your information security goals and objectives include obtaining ISO27001 certification to gain a competitive advantage over your closest competitors, or you just wish to create a few simple IT protection measures so you can sleep better at night - I am Secure enables you to implement a custom fit information solution that is perfect for your business.